Public welcome, food & craft vendors, dance competition!
A Pow Wow, or cultural celebration, as it was called in former times, is a truly family event growing out of the economic, social, and cultural experiences of many Native American tribes. Pow Wows allow people to come together to sing, dance, make friends, renew old friendships, and enjoy arts and crafts. To many people today, pow wows have spiritual and religious significance. Some people can trace the word “Pow wow” to the Algonquin language, saying how the Europeans used the word to refer to a council meeting.
Today, Pow Wows have become an inter-tribal event and are a time when older customs and ways are brought to the present day and age. It is more than just Indians dancing and singing. These cultural events help to solidify Indian communities as well as provide an opportunity to teach and learn many traditional customs. Pow wows are held throughout the year, but mainly in the summertime when participants and spectators have more space to explore and practice singing and dancing.
The Pow Wow Committee works throughout the year to plan this exciting event held on the first weekend of August each year.